US Represented

US Represented

Dmitri Do Not Dance

Dmitri think much about women in these days.
Read what they ask for in personal advertisement.
Always, say “like to dance, like long walk, quiet time,
Romantic evening by firelight,” etcetera, etcetera.

This correspond not with any real woman Dmitri have
had mixed pleasure to know. Real woman, once trap
has snappèd, have no time for long walk or even short,
and quiet time by firelight mean Dmitri, shut up

while I burn you with mouth. Make nice glow, you.
One exception is dance, which all woman truly like,
though many different thing mean by that, from do step
as in book to weave about ignoring music entire.

Dmitri do not dance. Dmitri hear music too much
to find way to move to except alone, and do not like
step from book, as in example waltz,
one-two-three and on so for many minute over.

Watch trees dance with wind. Some time trees
all dance together, bending tops in one direction
in arch like ballerina’s arms while trunk unmovèd.
Bend with wind, all leaves upturn and silver.

When wind too much for dancing, trees break,
big branches split and crash down to become dead.
Nobody perfect. Nobody live forever. Dmitri
do not dance. Dmitri dance all the time.

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