US Represented

US Represented

In Times Like These

In times like these
in which we are all in it together
and <it> is times like these
which we are all in
we, the international corporate
corporation’s propaganda arm
wish to extol to you
who are all in it together with
yourselves how deeply we care
about you whom we have terminated
in one way or another the depth
of our concern which is deeper
than what we are all in together,
or <it> as you can see by the pictures
here of the smiling sequestered
we are all in it together with
and by the way your local
ambulance chasers think you should
remember to consult them at the slightest
hint of trouble because they are all
in it with you together and for that matter
so are your local legalized drug
dealers and poison salesmen
in it together with you
in times like these
and so you see that is why
why the swelling theme music is called
We’re All In It Together
In Times Like These
because that’s what makes these
times like this special.


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