US Represented

US Represented

Ten Reasons to Shop at a Local Farmers Market

As spring brings warmer climates and blooming tulips and daffodils, so does it bring the first round of crops to the farmers markets around town. Fresh veggies are not the only thing to buy. Following are ten reasons to visit your nearest farmers market (but bring cash):

  1. Money you spend stays in the local economy and directly helps to support independent farmers. Cut out the middle man and everybody benefits.
  2. Produce is organically grown and never spends a week bouncing around in a refrigerated truck, which causes bruises and degrades its freshness.
  3. To GMO or not to GMO? That is the question. Ask your local farmer for an alternative view on this controversial subject.
  4. Local produce grown in Colorado is robust and chock full of natural nutrients native to this region, adding to its flavor and healthy attributes. It can also help acclimatize your immune system to regional pollens and allergens.
  5. You can talk directly with the local farmer and his/her family about their produce and how difficult it is to compete with the big food chains. Ask about their family farm, and you may get an intriguing multi-generational story about their family’s farming legacy.
  6. The variety of people you meet just might surprise you enough to start up a conversation with a stranger. Try that in a big chain specialty store and watch how fast the security guard comes to detain you.
  7. It gives you a compelling reason to get up early so you can be the first to peruse the Flea Market menagerie. Better get there before all the good stuff is gone!
  8. You will find much more than just fresh produce. Your next favorite preserve, wildflower honey, tomatillo and avocado salsa, ghost chile beef rub or pickled habanero garlic awaits discovery.
  9. What is a rutabaga and why and how would anybody cook such a thing? This is a legitimate question and quite the hot topic. Your local farmer knows the answers.
  10. A little bit of dirt, lots of hard work and a strong sense of self-worth mixed with a healthy dose of good old American capitalism never hurt anybody.


Darcy Martineau, US RepresentedDarcy Martineau is a North Dakota transplant to Colorado Springs, but after living there most of his life, he is more native than foreigner. Darcy has spent the last 14 years providing sound reinforcement to live concerts at both indoor and outdoor venues. As a classically trained bassist, Darcy knows the music scene from both sides of the sound board, and he has many connections throughout the area and all over the country. He enjoys almost all genres of music and spends his spare time, when there is any, enjoying classic sci-fi literature, playing Words With Friends, watching movies, and spoiling his two black cats, Cassie and Orion.




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