US Represented

US Represented

Reading, Writing, and Rifles: Arming Teachers

,It’s been a whole month since our last serious school shooting (Florida). I think it’s safe, nay required, to say that our fearless (“I’d run in there even if I was unarmed”) leader deserves massive credit for his prompt action in handling the school shootings in this country. He has met the problem head on and given a brilliant, easy to implement solution. Arming teachers.

Lame Stream Media might point out that there was a school shooting in Maryland, but only the gunman died thus proving that the Trump and the NRA’s mantra about good guys with guns is correct. Since Trump announced his plan, the only other victims have been students accidently shot by police officers demonstrating firearm safety. But we can’t hold Trump responsible for a few bad apples. He can’t be bothered with details. He is a big idea guy. A man of action.

Arming teachers in the classroom is a great start to fixing our school violence problems. But it’s only a start, and I expect stronger steps from Trump. First of all, he makes it a voluntary program. That’s ridiculous. Carrying weapons and protecting students should be the first and most important job for a teacher. Those who shy away from firearms have no business preparing our kids for leadership roles in the world. Making America Great Again requires a lot more dedication and sacrifice from those who want to mold future generations. If a prospective teacher can’t qualify on the firing range with their Glock, then they have no business in the classroom. And if they don’t have a Glock, they should be required to get one.

Another way in which Trump doesn’t go far enough is in his choice of weapons. He wants teachers to carry pistols. That’s no way to scare away bad guys. I agree that a well-trained teacher (140 hrs!) with a 9 mm is more than a match for untrained teenager with an AR-15 loaded with 30 round banana clips.  But this is where Trump’s lack of military experience limits his thinking. It is a fundamental principle of the military and law enforcement to present overwhelming force to deter aggression. Even a building full of teachers and staff (shouldn’t janitors be packing too?) each carrying a pistol isn’t as intimidating as a fully equipped rifle squad.

Therefore, I propose that every teacher in every school should be in full battle gear: vest, helmet, grenades (concussion, smoke and CS), gas mask, Uzi, and a minimum of four 30 round magazines. Just arming teachers with pistols isn’t nearly enough. Besides, buying Uzis will make Israel very happy and it would give Jared Kushner something to do as well as get him out of the country.

In fact, upon reflection, no one in the U.S. should get a teaching certificate until they have completed eight weeks of Army basic training. I’m sure the left wing, Hillary loving, liberal snowflakes will complain. Exhibit A is that they won’t “feel comfortable” carrying weapons or being around those who do. But protecting our children should come first. If you can’t handle that responsibility then move to Canada with the other Obama loving socialists. Another benefit is that army training will ensure that patriotic conservative thinking is brought back into the classroom.

The benefits from creating a teacher army are countless. Besides school safety, we could end the teacher shortage (bring back the draft), end discipline problems, put a lot of underemployed people into better paying careers, and reduce school costs. We can pay soldier teachers less than those college educated elitists we are stuck with now. Anyone with a high school diploma can teach. You don’t need a college degree to get high school seniors to do fourth grade math. Soldier educators certainly can’t do a worse job than the education system is doing now and they are definitely cheaper.

Trump recently talked about starting a Space Core (sic). What he really needs to do is create a Teacher Core (sic). Pumping this much money into the defense industry will stimulate the economy as well as create an even larger army. After fifteen years of non-stop wars, we need more soldiers. During summer vacation, teachers could serve in Iraq and Afghanistan instead of going to ivory tower institutions for more egghead teacher training. And another benefit will be the destruction of teacher unions since soldiers are forbidden to join unions.

I know there are objections to the idea of arming teachers. What about parents who worry about their child causing a teacher to go postal, for example? What about kids who cry in the presence of armed uniformed teachers? That’s easy; we just give those parents vouchers for private schools. Private schools can be gun-free zones if they want to be. They are free from all other educational rules already so it wouldn’t be much of a change. And Betsy DeVos will finally have a framework for her educational agenda. As for the crybabies, who cares? We need tougher kids coming out of school.

Voters elected Trump to be bold and shake up government. No part of government needs more shaking up than education, and creating a teacher army will solve many problems and do wonders for improving the esprit de corps of this country. We built this nation by warfare and superior weaponry. It’s how we conquered the continent, the hemisphere, and the world. Only by returning to our roots can we be become great again. It’s gotta be better than a bucket of rocks.

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