US Represented

US Represented

Legitimizing UFO Disclosure

Something interesting just happened in the world of UFO disclosure. On December 16, 2017, the New York Times ran an article covering some salient UFO-related topics. First, the authors mentioned the Defense Department’s admission of the $22 million Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program designed to investigate UFO reports. The program, facilitated by former Senate majority leader Harry Reid and run by former military intelligence official Luis Elizondo, operated on government funding from 2007 to 2012. It continues to operate today with separate funding and is tied to a company run by billionaire Robert Bigelow, who is currently working with NASA on an expandable craft for humans to use in space. Bigelow is convinced that aliens are already here on Earth and interacting with humans.

The Times article also states that the program has studied metal alloys and other materials “recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena,” and program staff also researched people who claimed to have been physically affected by coming into contact with these objects. Moreover, researchers spoke with multiple service members who reported UFO sightings. The program has video and audio recordings of military UFO incidents, to include Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet gunship footage of a glowing craft performing inexplicable advanced aerial maneuvers. In fact, in his resignation letter from the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, Elizondo mentions “the many accounts from the Navy and other services of unusual aerial systems interfering with military weapons platforms and displaying beyond-next generation capabilities.”

It’s also worth noting that retired Navy pilot David Fravor has just gone public with an account of a UFO he and others tracked for five minutes. The unidentified craft had “the ability to hover over the water, and then start a vertical climb, from basically zero up towards about 12,000 feet, and then accelerate in less than two seconds, and disappear.” Experts shouldn’t dismiss phenomena like this. They need to conduct serious, honest research regardless of preconceived notions.

To many, all of this looks like sanctioned UFO disclosure. In a coordinated effort, the Pentagon released this information, the New York Times published a serious, unironic feature article detailing the topic, and now this information and other related accounts are spreading like wildfire through major media outlets across the world. It’s worth considering a few assumptions along these lines. First, various groups working collaboratively have been planning this dissemination of previously classified documentation for an extended period of time, and they finally decided that either the public is ready to handle UFO disclosure in small doses or the gravity of the situation warranted disclosure out of necessity. Next, this trickle of information might be a test to gauge public response. Various government agencies are surely tracking germane social media activity as you read this article.

For now, the best the general public can do is hazard various guesses. Hardened skeptics are already dismissing the information as relatively meaningless. Devout believers are claiming everything from a false flag operation designed to expand the U.S. military footprint to evidence of anti-gravitic craft entering our atmosphere from other dimensions. Others think intelligence agencies are simply carrying out yet another disinformation campaign.

Regardless, a fair number of those who pay attention to the UFO phenomenon think this is just the beginning of what will be a revolutionary UFO disclosure process that will transform human consciousness like no preceding historical event. After all, why would the Pentagon so nonchalantly mention metal alloys and other materials “recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena” that could be affecting those who came in contact with them? If anything, these claims should be taken seriously until proven otherwise given the source and circumstances. Perhaps we’ve reached a time when those privy to sensitive information will finally admit what they have known all along. 

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