US Represented

US Represented

Sandra Knauf

Sandra Knauf was born in California and spent most of her childhood in Missouri. She moved to Colorado when she was a teenager, and she lives there to this day, in Colorado Springs with her family. She is the publisher and editor of Greenwoman Magazine, a garden writing magazine, which she started in 2010. Her work has appeared in The Denver PostGreenPrintsColorado Gardener, and many other publications, and she has been a guest commentator on NPR’s “Western Skies” radio show. Zera and the Green Man is her first novel.

On the eve of Zera Green’s fifteenth birthday, she’s finding little to celebrate. Her guardian, Uncle Theodore (whom she’s nicknamed “the Toad”), and his frilly girlfriend, Tiffany, are dragging her to the opening of a fast-food restaurant. There they’ll celebrate The Toad’s latest GMO creation—“beefy fries”—fries made from a combination of cow and potato. (They are said to be delicious, but the potatoes bleed a little when they’re sliced.)

GMOs Gone Wrong: An Interview with Sandra Knauf, Author of Zera and the Green Man

Sandra Knauf’s Zera and the Green Man is a sci-fi fantasy for the YA market, but I and many other adults have reveled in it. It is “right on time” with current events—plenty of GMO Franken-creatures—and it features the timeless themes of love for nature and family. I recently spent an afternoon interviewing the author,

GMOs Gone Wrong: An Interview with Sandra Knauf, Author of Zera and the Green Man Read More »