US Represented



Are You Honest?

When people think of Will Shakespeare’s Hamlet, they either think of “alas poor Yorick” and some dude with a skull, or Hamlet’s “To be or not to be.” The latter speech is incandescent in the play. But I would argue that the scenes which follow “To be or not to be” would tell you more

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Cheating the System

My mom likes to tell a story about a letter she received from the state of California following her decision to keep me out of the public school system when I turned six years old, electing instead to become my teacher herself. She wrote to the education department requesting specific guidelines for keeping me on

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Sentence Tightening

This sentence tightening video features a workshop on improving sentence-level clarity. The workshop includes discussions on the active voice, removing prepositional phrases, proper comma usage, avoiding redundancy, and so on.

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Pioneer Profiles: Alice Bemis Taylor

Alice Bemis Taylor was a pioneer of arts and social programs in Colorado Springs. Although she preferred a quiet, humble lifestyle, her legacy has been the foundation of many familiar landmarks of Colorado Springs. In 1881, Alice Bemis was four years old when her family to Colorado Springs for her mother’s health. This was a common

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Alexander Hamilton Believed in Taxing and Borrowing

The Founding Father most responsible for authoring our original economic policies and establishing our central banking system thought federal taxation was not meant to be exempted, cut, lowered, or salvaged. To the contrary, Alexander Hamilton believed federal taxation should increase with increased income. Working-class Americans were supposed to pay taxes within their means, and wealthy

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Are You Honest?

When people think of Will Shakespeare’s Hamlet, they either think of “alas poor Yorick” and some dude with a skull, or Hamlet’s “To be or not to be.” The latter speech is incandescent in the play. But I would argue that the scenes which follow “To be or not to be” would tell you more

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Cheating the System

My mom likes to tell a story about a letter she received from the state of California following her decision to keep me out of the public school system when I turned six years old, electing instead to become my teacher herself. She wrote to the education department requesting specific guidelines for keeping me on

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Sentence Tightening

This sentence tightening video features a workshop on improving sentence-level clarity. The workshop includes discussions on the active voice, removing prepositional phrases, proper comma usage, avoiding redundancy, and so on.

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Pioneer Profiles: Alice Bemis Taylor

Alice Bemis Taylor was a pioneer of arts and social programs in Colorado Springs. Although she preferred a quiet, humble lifestyle, her legacy has been the foundation of many familiar landmarks of Colorado Springs. In 1881, Alice Bemis was four years old when her family to Colorado Springs for her mother’s health. This was a common

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Alexander Hamilton Believed in Taxing and Borrowing

The Founding Father most responsible for authoring our original economic policies and establishing our central banking system thought federal taxation was not meant to be exempted, cut, lowered, or salvaged. To the contrary, Alexander Hamilton believed federal taxation should increase with increased income. Working-class Americans were supposed to pay taxes within their means, and wealthy

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