US Represented


Coy Mathis: A Child of the Transgender Wars

Fountain, Colorado’s transgender six-year-old Coy Mathis has been drawing a firestorm of controversy due to the very nature of her identity. Eagleside Elementary and its school district barred Coy, born male, from the girls’ restroom. However, she identifies as a girl and behaves as any girl would. Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund attorneys sent a complaint to the […]

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Matthew Shepard, The Westboro Baptist Church, and the American Conscience

On a slightly elevated plain just east of Laramie, Wyoming on October 7, 1998, Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson beat and tortured Matthew Shepard nearly to death, tied him to a buck fence, and left him for dead. After being discovered by a passing cyclist, Shepard was transported to a Fort Collins, Colorado hospital where he was

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Hawaiian Sea Turtles or Tourists?

When faced head on, Hawaiian Sea Turtles look permanently depressed and irritable, even a little scary. In truth, they tend to be mild-mannered creatures who mind their own business and avoid bothering others. They do their best to accomplish what little they see as necessary in life, generally content to accept their lot in the grand scheme of things. Still, these turtles have every right

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The Environment Still Needs Attention in This Election

As the race for the White House moves into the final stretch, the faltering U.S. economy is the topic as unemployment continues to hover at uncomfortably high levels throughout the country. Environmental issues remain especially marginalized for a number of reasons. Still, even though environmental innovations do not always generate immediate revenue or directly create jobs,

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Illegal Immigration Still Deserves Attention

Illegal immigration is an issue that will probably never go away. Millions of unemployed Americans and millions more at risk of losing their homes after watching their life savings wither away to nothing are rightfully commanding both presidential candidates’ attention as the 2012 election nears. Smoke-and-mirror trickery should be the last subject on any politician’s

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