US Represented


What Super Tuesday Told Us about the GOP and America’s Future

Based on Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday dominance, it seems likely that the remainder of the GOP nomination process won’t be a battle between Trump and either Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, it will be a war between Trump and the Washington, D.C. / Wall Street establishment that will attempt to bring Trump down in any

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Just Plop Down on the Couch, Flip on the Telly, and Bob’s Your Uncle: Britcoms to the Rescue

British comedies (Britcoms) have been a part of my life now for around thirty years. Not only are most of them insanely funny, but they offered me something akin to the volumes of books I was reading in my teen years, a look into worlds populated by people who seemed similar to me but who

Just Plop Down on the Couch, Flip on the Telly, and Bob’s Your Uncle: Britcoms to the Rescue Read More »

So SoCo

Congress will launch an investigation into issues related to wait times at a Colorado Springs, Virginia clinic to see if the medical facility’s services are up to standard. In this regard, if you have some free time while waiting for an appointment or the results of the investigation, you can download the PixBet APK file

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