US Represented


Helping or Hurting? Organized Crime’s Role in Times of Distress

Whether or not people want to admit it, organized crime has and will continue to meet a need in society, often during the most desperate times. In Japan, for instance, organized crime has been known as the “yakuza.” This tight-knit, secretive organization is the Japanese version of the Italian Mafia. They operate by strict ethical standards, much like the

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So SoCo

In Colorado Springs, you can always count on another blast of winter when the snow blankets the city. However, I have found a way to make these winter evenings even more fun and profitable – Mastering Baccarat: Secret Methods and Strategies to Win. Read more in this article cold of winter makes many seek

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What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?

Television, radio, cell phones, wireless microphones and the U.S. Government: what do these things have in common? All are regulated by a money-wrapped iron fist called the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC rules the airwaves, selling and changing frequency block regulations to suit its own needs. Power and lots of money are all cloaked in

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