US Represented


Creating a New Metaphor in Education Reform

The Denver Post lamented the fact that far too many Colorado high school graduates need remedial classes when they attend college. The numbers are indeed abysmal. The blame, as usual, falls on teachers and schools. Parents, students, and government officials always seem to avoid taking any responsibility. That discussion is for another day, however. As an educator with […]

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The Unseen Observer: Stalking Must End

In America, most stalking cases don’t even make it to trial. Often, the victim can’t or won’t go to the authorities. In other cases, the victim asks the law for help, but the authorities are either unable or unwilling to intervene. Sometimes, the stalker can’t even be found. In worst-case scenarios, the stalker eventually takes action. This occurred in rapid-fire succession

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Lab-Grown Meat: Your Dinner of the Near Future

Modern technology has made food cheaper, more transportable, pathogen resistant, and even amusing. Still, many manufactured foods contain little nutritional value, and produce markets around the globe continue to become increasingly geographically homogeneous. Food industrialization creates an ongoing slew of ethical dilemmas regarding animal health and wellness. Micro technology may provide solutions once only possible in science

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