US Represented


The Finnish Baby Box: Welcome to the World!

The Finnish maternity package äitiysavustus, or baby box, is a tradition that welcomes new children to the world with a gift of life-enhancing baby supplies. Finland is a socially progressive country, and the government started supplying this box to new mothers in the 1930s to combat high infant mortality rates. The box has been a

The Finnish Baby Box: Welcome to the World! Read More »

Do They Throw Things Away They Might Need Someday?

In 1982, I went to work with my friend Dave hauling trash, using a 1950s International truck, a classic old 1-ton, open-bed pickup. Somehow Dave became our estimator, despite being A. legally blind and B. pathologically reluctant to wear his glasses. This made for some interesting if unremunerative estimates, and we often wound up working

Do They Throw Things Away They Might Need Someday? Read More »