US Represented

Creative Nonfiction

Explaining the Unexplainable: Blame It on Aliens

The day after Thanksgiving, as I was flipping channels, I came across the show Ancient Aliens on the History Channel, a network whose name I pronounce Quote-History-Channel-Unquote. I don’t think they can legally call it “History” without placing it in air quotes. And I know what you’re thinking. Flipping channels? Yes, I was flipping channels. People do it

Explaining the Unexplainable: Blame It on Aliens Read More »

November 22, 1963: Who Were You Then?

To an older generation of Americans, the anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassination takes them back to that day. Everyone remembers exactly where they were.  They visualize classrooms, doctors’ offices, elevators, coffee shops. The memories are specific: “It was my birthday. The principal came to the door and my Kindergarten teacher put the cupcakes back

November 22, 1963: Who Were You Then? Read More »