US Represented

Creative Nonfiction

Your Gut Decides How You Will Think and Feel

Your diet largely determines your feelings and behavior. The gut’s ecosystem of bacteria is often called the “second brain” because it’s so intricately connected to mental activity and health. In fact, the vast neural network in our guts communicates mainly with these bacteria. This communication in turn influences the brain through multiple mechanisms. What we

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Gary’s Off-the-Map Movie Pick: Gentlemen Broncos

From Jared Hess, the mind that brought the universe Napoleon Dynamite, comes Gentlemen Broncos, a 2009 film about bad science fiction, intellectual property, independent filmmaking, blow darts, geodome living, and nightgowns. If you’re looking for something funny and a little unusual, this could be the one for you. The protagonist of Gentlemen Broncos, Benjamin, is a young science fiction

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Rational Thinking: The Life of Real Possibilities

The other day, a 17-year-old told me she didn’t think there was life beyond Earth. I mentioned the recent discovery by NASA scientists of seven potentially habitable exoplanets in a solar system just 39 light years away and suggested that astronomers will find a second Earth very soon. I also pointed out that scientists have

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