US Represented

Creative Nonfiction

What I Don’t Write (About): A Writing Mini-Manifesto from a “Southern” Writer

When I started writing fiction, I was told that, as a southerner, I’d been imbued with an appreciation for “my land” and “my people” and they therefore must be part of any story I set out to write. Imagine my confusion when I found that, despite reading vivid descriptions of endless varieties of red dirt, […]

What I Don’t Write (About): A Writing Mini-Manifesto from a “Southern” Writer Read More »

Teachers and Doers, or: Those Who Can Do May Also Do Teaching

Maybe you’ve heard the old saying about teachers not being competent enough to actually do the thing they’re teaching. After all, the logic goes, if someone is proficient at their craft, why would they forgo fame, acclaim, and the ability to purchase frighteningly expensive houses just to slum it as a teacher? The horror. I

Teachers and Doers, or: Those Who Can Do May Also Do Teaching Read More »