US Represented


Net Neutrality: Protecting the First Amendment

The possible loss of net neutrality threatens our First Amendment rights. Powerful forces want to limit the information citizens can access on the internet. This would affect the way the press communicates with the public. The First Amendment freedoms promote equality. When they are violated, corporations, in collusion with government agencies, oppress anyone they wish.

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Progressive Hysteria: On Hubris and Hyperbole

Since November 8, 2016, many progressives have been pitching a collective hissy fit. Unable to believe that the shoo-in for office, that unsinkable-as-the-Titanic candidate, Hillary Rodham Clinton, lost the presidency to a “loser” like Donald J. Trump, they’ve lived in a perpetual state of denial—a state without a single electoral vote. Many see no irony

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Microtransactions and the Video Game Industry

I love video games. They allow me to connect with friends, talk on a headset, strategize to eliminate the opposition, and so on. But there’s trouble in paradise. A recently adopted business model involving microtransactions mixes poorly with video gamers. Microtransactions are small online financial transactions. They’re useful to some industries, but in the world

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