US Represented


Ten Reasons Why Small Dogs Are the Best Dogs

Who says bigger is better? While most Americans seem to prefer the larger breeds—hunting dogs, guard dogs, herding dogs, and working dogs—I’m a cheerleader for companion breeds. And the smaller, the better. Why, I wonder, do they always come in last in the popularity contests? Is it a holdover from our rural history, when Timmy […]

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Understanding and Confronting Hate Speech in Social Media

America loves its social media, and hate speech thrives in this domain. Of the 2.34 billion non-unique users’ worldwide, 195.73 million of those users are in the United States. In fact, ¾ of Americans are on social media, an enormous number in a country of 324 million people. This means the potential volume of hate

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Silent Mirrors: The Art of Listening

Human beings have expended so much energy filling the world with thoughts and ideas that have reverberated down through time in both equal parts profane and profound—talking, talking, and talking while all along we’ve been accompanied on this journey through the ages by the silence of the animals. They’ve been swept into the current of

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