US Represented

Eric Stephenson

Eric Stephenson served in Alpha Company, 2/75th Ranger Battalion from 1982 to 1987. He has taught English at various colleges and universities since 1998 and is the publisher and editor-in-chief of US Represented, as well as a contributing writer.

What House of Cards Tells Us

A few critics have faulted the Netflix drama House of Cards for inaccurately portraying certain aspects of the American political process. This is like complaining that Shakespeare’s Richard III doesn’t sufficiently resemble his historical model. One of Art’s functions is to express truth in ways that more literal mediums can’t. In fact, Art often predicts

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What Super Tuesday Told Us about the GOP and America’s Future

Based on Donald Trump’s Super Tuesday dominance, it seems likely that the remainder of the GOP nomination process won’t be a battle between Trump and either Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, it will be a war between Trump and the Washington, D.C. / Wall Street establishment that will attempt to bring Trump down in any

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