US Represented

Eric Stephenson

Eric Stephenson served in Alpha Company, 2/75th Ranger Battalion from 1982 to 1987. He has taught English at various colleges and universities since 1998 and is the publisher and editor-in-chief of US Represented, as well as a contributing writer.

Malcolm Gladwell, Happy Assumptions, and the True Nature of Work

In Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell offers a curious definition of what most people consider to be satisfying work: “Those three things — autonomy, complexity, and a connection between effort and reward—are, most people agree, the three qualities that work has to have if it is to be satisfying. It is not how […]

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To the West

Alan finished the last of his smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, turned to Monica, and said, “Let’s take a walk on the beach.” “The open air would be nice,” she said. The waitress arrived with the bill, and Alan said, “Wonderful service. Our compliments to the chef.” “And thank you for visiting Cuchulainn’s Pub, sir,”

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Your Gut Decides How You Will Think and Feel

Your diet largely determines your feelings and behavior. The gut’s ecosystem of bacteria is often called the “second brain” because it’s so intricately connected to mental activity and health. In fact, the vast neural network in our guts communicates mainly with these bacteria. This communication in turn influences the brain through multiple mechanisms. What we

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