US Represented

Eric Stephenson

Eric Stephenson served in Alpha Company, 2/75th Ranger Battalion from 1982 to 1987. He has taught English at various colleges and universities since 1998 and is the publisher and editor-in-chief of US Represented, as well as a contributing writer.

The Squatters

Olivia Anderson had recently returned to Bridgeport, Illinois after a year of living in Budapest, and she needed a place to live. She was tired of tugging at the end of her parents’ leash and wanted to choose her own path in life. This meant paying for her own apartment. Her best friend Emma Chase had been earning her own

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In Our Absence

The universe was born in our absence. Once a baseball-sized cluster of concentrated energy, it grew into a sprawling neighborhood inhabited by mass and the four great forces. In an endless battle, matter and antimatter collided like mortal enemies to create presence, annihilating each other on contact. Matter won for no clear reason. We still don’t

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