US Represented

a featured contributor

US Represented shares the works of a wide variety of writers, to include everyone from 9-year-old poets to significant historical figures.

Glenwood Springs: Blending Past and Present

Colorado’s Western Slope is a beautiful landscape of mountains and river-cut canyons. This makes the region a go-to destination for tourists and thrillseekers alike. But something else drew even the earliest of Colorado’s settlers to the area: hot springs. The Ute tribes considered the hot springs a place of spiritual healing. Here, they cleansed the […]

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Permaculture: A Necessary Environmental Design

Permaculture is a lifestyle that encompasses ethics and design in order to mimic the relationships seen in nature. The goal is to view every environment as one part of the whole world. Rather than being consumers, the focus is on becoming “responsible producers” of biodiversity and returning any unused goods to the ground. Permaculture aims

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It’s about More than Just the Coffee

Think about the last time you went into a gas station and got a cappuccino simply by pushing a button. You realize that what you were drinking probably wasn’t really a cappuccino, right? Machines like these are partly the reason why some people order a cappuccino and then ask why there’s so much foam in their drink, not realizing

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Legends of the Stars: Aborigine Astronomy

To see and understand the law. Aborigines abide by a cosmological understanding of the universe that is deeply tied to legends of ancestral beings of the Dreaming. Their lives center on understanding and respecting these forces, persisting through the tradition of passing down knowledge from generation to generation through various forms of art and storytelling

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