US Represented

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US Represented shares the works of a wide variety of writers, to include everyone from 9-year-old poets to significant historical figures.

Filial Piety: An Endangered Tradition in 21st Century China?

Family structure holds a significant level of importance in Chinese culture, even in today’s changing, modernized society. This concept of maintaining a high regard for family, most importantly elders, and making sure they are cared for is known as “Filial Piety.” Basically, the theory is that parents spent their lives taking care of their children, […]

Filial Piety: An Endangered Tradition in 21st Century China? Read More »

Food Insecurity: Regrowing Jamaica’s Freedom

Food insecurity is a major issue for people across the globe, stemming from social and economic discrepancies that disrupt food supply systems. This has detrimental effects on already impoverished families, communities, and countries whose populations spend disproportionate amounts of their income on food. In recent years, food crises have increased interest in refining supply systems

Food Insecurity: Regrowing Jamaica’s Freedom Read More »

The Pyramids of the Americas Are Being Destroyed

Off the eastern coast of southern Brazil, archaeologists have discovered the oldest pyramids in the world, older than the ancient Egyptian pyramids by several centuries. Their research shows that these South American pyramids were much larger than the early pyramids of Egypt, with their height about 160 ft. and their base expanding to nearly 40

The Pyramids of the Americas Are Being Destroyed Read More »